Featured courses


COVER CPD 2024-2025

CPD Cycle: 1 Jan 2024 - 31 May 2024. A nominal once off adminis...

CPD Package 2024-2025

Our CPD Package costs R395 and provides you with access to our en...

Insurance Glossary

The most comprehensive online glossary of insurance terms fro...

Report: Regulation of AI in Insurance

This report analyses regulatory developments for AI applications as...

SME GPA & Cyber Webinar

Accident & Health Short Term Employee Benefits cover, act...

Climate Change & Global Inflation

The impacts of climate change are all around us: sea level ri...

Reserving Infographic

The majority of insurance costs are both delayed and uncertai...

Class of Business: Personal Lines

Class of BusinessCourse covering accident, health, liability,...

Underwriting and Claims

Format:   Course Level:   Introducto...